Thursday, July 10, 2014

Bread. Simple.

Bread. How I love thee. There are not many people who can claim otherwise, we are a society of bread lovers! Unfortunately bread can come with some issues. Maybe you are gluten intolerant and cannot indulge like others. Or you are cutting down on the carbs you eat, and have to restrict the amount you enjoy. 

Still bread remains such a simple food delight, especially in our household. Sure, if my kids had their way they would eat only white bread, with very little nutritional value. I buy only whole grain or whole wheat, but occasionally we eat some wonderful baguettes or a loaf of crusty French. I was recently introduced to a new method to baking this crusty delicacy. 

A baker in Brooklyn discovered a new way to make a simple loaf of this bread right in our own homes, without the need for fancy equipment or ingredients. Instead of keeping this to himself he went to the New York Times and shared for all to enjoy. My girlfriend hosted a dinner and prepared a loaf for our meal, and what a treat it was! The dough is prepared fourteen to twenty hours prior to baking, and left to rise on your countertop. Then it is baked in a dutch oven or heavy cast iron pan at a high heat for approximately sixty minutes. The result? A large loaf of crusty on the outside, chewy on the inside, bread with just the perfect amount of a rich warm brown to color the outside. It was fabulous and we all indulged! 

The recipe is here, and I urge you to give it a try! If you yourself cannot eat this, it would make a great gift for all of your bread-loving friends! Take it from me, a non baker, even I can tackle this one with success. Enjoy!

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